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Before anyone can participate in Black Ops Airsoft they must fill out a solid copy waiver and bring it in. Please make sure all information is filled out correctly (birthday and spelling of name) prior to paying admission. Click here to print our waiver

Black Ops Bristol Ruleset

In General the most a player shouldn't be hit more than 3 times within 20 feet.
From 20-40 feet the most a player should be shot is 5 times.
It is the responsibility of dead players to get out of the line to fire if they are obstructing the line of fire.
Players are required to hold the pistol grip on their airsoft gun when shooting.

The following are some of the rules we find to be the most important. All other rules are valid and can be found and sorted into categories below.
  1. Age restriction: 10+ on Fridays, 12+ for Saturdays & Sundays.
  2. Eye protection: ALL players are required to wear full seal, ANSI Z87.1 rated, goggles. Players under 18 are required to wear full face covering. Goggles with a bottom mesh does qualify as a full face covering and so does mouth mesh. To use nonfull seal eye pro, it must be either ESS, Oaklys, Revision, and Wiley Ex Boss frames. 
  3. No Drama - Field conduct.
  4. No shooting anywhere but on the field and chrono.
    1. No Mag may be in your gun in the safe zone.
    2. Pistols may have mags in if they stay in a holster.
    3. Dry firing is allowed but not recommended.
    4. No shooting wildlife, this will result in a permanent ban.
  5. When you are hit put your hand up, or pull a red kill rag and keep it above your head. A player with a gun in the air is not considered dead.
  6. Dead players do not talk. Do not give out intel or player positions. All players in audible range will be sent back to respawn.
  7. No blind firing. If you cannot look down your sights and see the player you are shooting at then you should not be shooting at them.
  8. Everything you are wearing counts as a hit if shot. This included backpacks, hats, or dangling clothing. This also includes your gun if it is in front of your body. If your gun is shot from the side and you are not behind it then it is not a valid hit.
  9. Situations may arise where a rule is in the gray area. The resolution will be made by a ruling from the head Ref. This ruling will be in place for the remainder of the day.

Basic Field Rules
  1. Age restriction: 10+ on Fridays, 12+ for Saturdays & Sundays.
  2. Eye protection: ALL players are required to wear full seal, ANSI Z87.1 rated, goggles. Players under 18 are required to wear full face covering. Goggles with a bottom mesh do qualify as a full face covering. To use nonfull seal eye pro, it must be either ESS, Oaklys, Revision, and Wiley Ex Boss frames.
  3. No Drama - Field conduct. 
  4. All magazines and clips need to be removed from rifles in parking lot and safe zones. Pistols with mags in them must be holstered in parking lots and safe zones. No shooting unless on the field or Chrono.
  5. DO NOT SHOOT AT WILDLIFE! This action will result in a permanent ban.
  6. Eye protection must STAY ON AT ALL TIMES ON THE FIELD. Players caught taking their eye protection off while on the field will be asked to leave.
  7. Theft of any kind will result in a permanent ban.

  1. Any hit to any part of the body/gear counts. This includes backpacks and hats.
  2. After being hit, please raise your red kill rag above your head and yell "HIT!". If you have lost your kill rag, raise your hand. A player with a gun in the air is not considered hit.
  3. Dead men do not talk. Do not give out player positions. If you do all players on your team within audible range may be asked to respawn.
  4. Ricochets DO NOT count. But just because you think it is a ricochet does not mean it is. Please make sure it is not a player shooting from behind.
  5. Gun hits count if it is in front of your body. If your gun is shot from the side and you are not behind it then it is not a valid hit.
  6. Any rubber melee hit counts as a kill. Melee weapons must be of soft rubber construction and are only permitted to tap kill or to be underhand tossed and not thrown. No stabbing, thrusting or chopping.
  7. Friendly fire counts! Team kills are still kills.
  8. You may not throw bb’s at another player and count that as a kill.
  9. Bang Kill/Minimum Engagement Distance (MED) – This only applies to Friday open play
    1. When within 10 feet, you must audibly say "bang kill" to kill an enemy player.
    2. In order to "bang kill," your gun must be pointed at the player the entire time "bang kill" is said.
    3. You can shoot a pistol or shotgun within the 10 foot MED.
    4. LMGs, DMRs, Snipers, pistols and Shotguns cannot be used to "bang kill."
    5. The Bang Kill Rule NO LONGER APPLIES to Sunday open play

Chrono Restrictions (MED = Minimum Engagement Distance)
  1. No MED for pistols/Shotguns/AEG Rifles/SMGs chronoed at 400 FPS with .20g BBs. Semi-auto only unless otherwise specified.
  2. 20' MED with LMGs/HMGs chronoed at 400 FPS with .20g BBs. Full auto is allowed at 26 rounds-per-second MAX. LMGs/HMGs are not permitted to engage targets inside the same building, including using semi-auto. LMGs/HMGs are any replicas with a real-world counterpart in that role. LMGs/HMGs must use a drum/box magazine with the current following acceptions. RPKs may use extended AK magazines, M249 may use standard magazines, BAR standard magazines, and L86A1 LMG may use standard magazines.
  3. 50' MED with DMR chronoed at 450 FPS with .20g BBs. DMR's MUST be semi locked.
  4. 100' MED with Sniper rifles chronoed at 500 FPS with .20g BBs. Sniper rifles are bolt actions only.
  5. HPA (High Pressure Air) 
    1. No MED for pistols/Shotguns/AEG Rifles/SMGs chronoed at 1.42J with .32g BBs. Semi-auto only unless otherwise specified. All HPA tanks Must be able to be locked.
    2. 20' MED with HPA LMG chronoed at 1.42J with .32g BBs. Full auto is allowed at 26 rounds-per-second MAX. LMGs/HMGs are not permitted to engage targets inside the same building. LMGs/HMGs are any replicas with a real-world counterpart in that role. LMGs/HMGs must use a drum/box magazine with the current following acceptions. RPKs may use extended AK magazines, M249 may use standard magazines, BAR standard magazines, and L86A1 LMG may use standard magazines. All HPA tanks Must be able to be locked.
    3. 50' MED with HPA DMR chronoed at 1.78 J with .32g BBs. DMR's MUST be semi locked. All HPA tanks Must be able to be locked.
    4. 100' MED with HPA Sniper chronoed at 2.28 J with .32g BBs. Sniper rifles are bolt actions only. All HPA tanks Must be able to be locked.

Field Conduct
  1. CALL YOUR HITS! Airsoft is an honor-based sport, cheating ruins everyone's fun and IS NOT tolerated. If you suspect a player is cheating, call for a referee. Be ready to give them a good description of the offending player.
  2. If you hit another player and they do not call the hit, tell them nicely they must take that hit. If you begin shouting or using abrasive language you are immediately in the wrong and must call yourself out. Likewise, if a player informs you that you are hit, even if you did not feel anything, you must call the hit.
  3. Any form of physical altercation or verbal abuse will not be tolerated. Involve a ref if anyone is screaming or yelling and move on to not escalate the situation.
  4. Do not intentionally block or provide cover for teammates after being hit. All players are permitted three steps to get out of the line of fire when medics are in play. Otherwise, find a fire-free way back to respawn.
  5. Do not blind fire. You must be able to look down the sights of your gun and be able to see the person you are shooting.
  6. Do not climb on buildings, vehicles, trees, deer stands, or anything else.
  7. Players are not permitted to brace on a fence and shoot over it. They must be at least 20 feet away from the muzzle of their gun.

  1. Only wire pull smoke grenades are allowed on the field. (NO homemade smokes)
  2. Sound only (banger) grenades have a 15ft kill radius for infantry, and a 5ft kill radius on vehicles. If thrown into a building, everyone in the room is dead unless they are fully behind cover. DO NOT throw grenades over building walls. You CAN throw grenades over fences, shelves, ect.
  3. Claymores kill by BB hit only.
  4. Players are permitted to dive on grenades. Diving on a grenade to save your team results in that player's immediate death after detonation. They cannot be saved by a medic and after any active bleed outs for the game go back to respawn.

Grenade/Rocket Launcher
  1. Single grenade launchers and six barrel launchers are permitted for use. If carrying a 6 barrel grenade launcher, a pistol or shotgun is the only other permitted weapon that can be carried.
  2. One shot with a grenade clears a room, unless someone is fully behind hard cover. Grenade launchers can be "blind fired" for this purpose. If shooting a grenade launcher “blind fire” you must angle it towards the ground. If a majority of the BBs go into the room, it is considered cleared. This also counts for single projectile launchers such as foam balls. Shower shells fired at players outside a building from a grenade launcher only kill by BB hit. If fired at a vehicle grenade launcher hits putting it into a disabled state.
  3. Rockets instantly kill a vehicle and all occupants. If a rocket is fired into a room then all players inside that room are considered dead. Rockets have a 15ft kill radius on infantry and a 5ft kill radius on vehicles. A shower shell kills players only on a BB hit, and a vehicle if the majority of BBs impact the vehicle.
  4. Reloading grenade launchers is permitted if you have additional shells carried on you. If you need to recharge a grenade shell with gas it must be done at a respawn or friendly FoB. Rocket launchers follow these same rules. However, if the real-world equivalent of your rocket launcher replica is a one-shot launcher such as the LAW or AT4 then it can only be reloaded at a Respawn or FoB regardless of the number of shells you are carrying.
  5. Grenade rules in each city:
    1. 1st City has not taken any damage and therefore has roofs.  Grenades cannot be thrown over the walls.
    2. 2nd City has been almost completely destroyed and their roofs have almost all caved in.  So you may throw grenades over the walls.

Ballistic Shields (Shields are only allowed on Friday and Sunday open play)
  1. Shields must weigh 26 lbs, be no taller than 3 feet, and no wider than 18 inches.
  2. Shield carriers are only allowed to use pistols when carrying the shield.
  3. The shield cannot be passed off to other players in the event of the shield carrier being hit.
  4. Ballistic shields are not allowed to cover parts of a window, the shield must cover the entire window.
  5. Shields are not allowed on Saturdays unless otherwise stated.
  6. Shields may not have windows/mesh. You are not permitted to see through your shield.
  7. Shields do not count as cover from grenades.